Silicon wafer

BUSINESS > Silicon wafer agent > Silicon wafer

Silicon wafer

With the all-round support of SE-TECH in Japan, Chengxinwei Technology operates a variety of wafers with a diameter of 100 mm to 300 mm produced by Japanese manufacturers. Among them, high-quality 12-inch wafers are our advantage. Adequate to ensure the best price in the market. It can also provide customers with medium and small batches of diversified silicon wafers and a variety of semiconductor wafers. Products include debug wafers/dummy wafers, reclaim wafers, reclaim wafers, test wafers, and product-level wafers. Prime wafer.

It can provide technical support and after-sales service for specific materials developed or mass-produced by domestic scientific research institutions, universities, and enterprises, including semiconductor IC materials, SI wafers and semiconductor peripheral materials.

The following are our 12-inch wafer specifications and production capacity:

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